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West Midlands Perinatal Network

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In October 2009, NHS West Midlands facilitated a multi-professional Clinical Deliberative Group maternity and newborn event to set the regional QIPP agenda; the top priority that emerged was the creation of a regional perinatal network. This is part of phase 2 of the regional QIPP agenda, commencing Autumn 2010. 

Following policy change, the Maternity & Newborn Clinical Leads, Fay Baillie and Bill Mackenzie, assisted by the SHA Maternity lead, Pat McGeown (seconded from WMPI) reaffirmed stakeholders commitment to the development of the regional perinatal network. Stakeholders stated that the network has a pivotal role in identifying and resolving variation in outcomes and services; it is critical in ensuring stability in services during the transition and it will allow an effective, smooth and professional transition to the new maternity commissioning arrangements in the West Midlands.


The West Midlands Perinatal Network will steer the future strategic direction of maternity and newborn care in the region during and beyond this transitional period. It will focus on ensuring that safe, effective, quality services are provided throughout the region whilst engaging parents and aiming for positive user experience.

  • Reducing variation in perinatal and mortality and morbidity within the West Midlands
  • Ensuring a regional perspective on any service sustainability and reconfiguration within maternity and neonatal care
  • Supporting the evidence based approach to commissioning of perinatal care by identifying priorities of Commissioners in order to deliver high quality and cost effective services
  • Informing public and stakeholder engagement strategies which ensure public confidence in providing clinically safe services and a positive patient experience

The regional network consists of a commissioner and provider forum with an overarching board.

The immediate priorities for the Perinatal Network are:

Consultation & engagement  with existing and emerging stakeholders
Execute the framework for the Perinatal Network:
a.     Commissioners Forum
b. Provider Forum
c. Network Board
3.       Develop regional outcomes based indicators and agree the method of data collection
4.       Work with the Perinatal institute to interpret regional data to identify areas of service improvement and reduce variability
5.       Develop regional maternity service specification
6.       Standardise regional reporting and reviewing of perinatal deaths
7.       Assist the emerging commissioning consortia and specialised commissioners to effectively and safely commission future maternity and newborn services across the region

Please contact Pat McGeown for further information:

© Perinatal Institute 2011