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Diabetes in Pregnancy - 
Patient Information Leaflets

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The leaflets are designed for all women with diabetes in pregnancy and/or planning pregnancy. They are intended for use by Diabetes-Pregnancy teams as part of individualised care plans and ongoing advice. It is therefore important for women to access and meet with their local Diabetes/Maternity Teams when using these leaflets.


Do you have Diabetes? Planning a Family? Key facts you need to know

This is a simple, general leaflet for all women of child-bearing age with diabetes, to raise the awareness of pregnancy issues and the need for pre-pregnancy care.


Do you have Diabetes? Planning a Family? Things to DO before you get pregnant

This leaflet gives specific pre-pregnancy care for all women of child-bearing age with diabetes, giving relevant preconceptual advice in preparation for pregnancy.


Contraception for Women with Diabetes

This leaflet outlines the contraception options available for all women of child-bearing age with diabetes, currently NOT considering a pregnancy. It is important to plan and prepare for a future pregnancy. (The leaflet is also useful postnatally).


During Pregnancy


Healthy Eating

This leaflet gives specific dietary advice in pregnancy for women with diabetes; choosing healthy foods to maximise blood glucose control and food safety in pregnancy.


What is Gestational Diabetes?

This leaflet has been designed to give a greater understanding to women who have received a diagnosis of Gestational Diabetes being identified in pregnancy.


Diabetes & Breastfeeding

This leaflet seeks to help women with diabetes to consider the benefits of breastfeeding, answering frequent questions in specific to diabetes and breastfeeding. Tips to establish breastfeeding and information offering additional support is outlined. (The leaflet is also useful following birth).


Glucose Tolerance test

This leaflet clearly explains the Glucose Tolerance Test and the meaning of the test results. It also outlines ways in which it is possible to reduce the chances of developing diabetes in the future.


How to Avoid Hypoglycaemia in Pregnancy

This leaflet gives information to women and those who are best able to offer support, on how to avoid and treat hypoglycaemia (hypos) in pregnancy.


Type 1 Diabetes and Pregnancy: ‘Sick Days’ What to do if unwell

This leaflet is designed to help women with type 1 diabetes seek appropriate care and take action if feeling unwell during pregnancy, outlining the importance of ketones and how to avoid Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA).




Metformin Treatment in Pregnancy

This leaflet seeks to explain to women with diabetes how Metformin is used in pregnancy as a treatment option.




Post natal Care for Gestational Diabetes

This leaflet gives specific advice to women following the birth of their baby following a pregnancy diagnosed with gestational diabetes. It outlines ways in which it is possible to reduce the chances of developing diabetes in the future through lifestyle choices.



© Perinatal Institute 2011